Utilize The Amazing Power Of Acceptance

Acceptance is the door to a better life and relationships.Being able to accept and appreciate ourselves and our talents as well as the good qualities in those around us can enable us to avoid worrying in the face of challenges. When we accept that doing what we can to solve a problem is enough for now we can remain calm and be prepared to handle anything that may come our way. When we accept that we don’t know everything we can benefit from the knowledge and assistance that others can provide. When we accept that life is not so serious we can take the opportunity to laugh, relax, and put things into proper perspective. When we accept that no one is perfect, including ourselves, we can forgive ourselves and others and enjoy living in the present moment. When we accept that our happiness doesn’t come from the things we own we can strengthen the relationships we have with others and find the joy in cooperation and understanding. – See more at: https://scriggler.com/DetailPost/Opinion/49770#sthash.1H92CKbo.dpuf

Source: Utilize The Amazing Power Of Acceptance

Realistic Expectations Can Make Our Lives So Much Better


Realistic expectations can free us from the bondage of worry, indecision, and confusion. It’s reasonable to have realistic expectations because if something doesn’t turn out the way we would have liked we are able to make the best of the situation and remain calm. Realistic expectations of ourselves and others strengthens our relationships and allows for better communication, support, and cooperation. Realistic expectations help us to focus on what we can accomplish in the present moment knowing that we will be capable of handling whatever new developments may present themselves. Maintaining realistic expectations is wise and conducive to a great life.

– See more at: https://scriggler.com/DetailPost/Opinion/49963#sthash.8bfCfnJq.dpuf

Source: Realistic Expectations Can Make Our Lives So Much Better

Believing In Yourself And Your Abilities Will Inspire Others

Having complete confidence in yourself and your abilities will enable you to believe in others and see their many talents.  Looking for the talent in others is like mining gold and worth the effort.  When people are encouraged to manifest their gifts everyone benefits.  Having faith in oneself and others lays the foundation for a society that is happy, healthy, and fulfilled.  

Having A Great Relationship With Yourself Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Those You Love

Love and appreciate yourself and your talents.  Also have confidence in yourself and your abilities.  Take time to relax and have some fun.  When you are able to do this for yourself you will be well equipped to do these things for the people who mean the most to you. Love in action is powerful and unstoppable!

Remove The Limitations That Exist Only In Your Mind

Most people aren’t aware that they can truly accomplish anything.  It’s true.  All limitations only exist in the mind falsely supported by the tightening of the muscles, an increased heart rate, and shallowness of breath.  When we take the time to breath deeply and stretch we realize that we aren’t stuck and powerless at all!  Use your body and your breath to free your mind, body, and spirit from the falsehood of limitations!  You are intelligent, smart, resourceful and can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Letting Go Of The Past Enables Us To Enjoy The Opportunities Of The Present Day

We function best and enjoy life the most when we can let go of past relationships, jobs, and situations that were not serving us well.  When people hold on to what was instead of concentrating on what is they are divided against themselves and don’t give their undivided attention to current relationships, jobs, and opportunities for growth and personal fulfillment.  In order to seize the day we must be present in the current moment.  

Forgiveness Unlocks The Door To Personal Liberation & Excellent Health

Forgiveness is healing to our mind, body, spirit, and relationships.  When we can forgive ourselves and forgive others we will be in a place of tranquility, balance, and the current moment.  See yourself like a scale that maintains balance between the good you wish and do for yourself and the good you wish and do for others.  Forgiveness can restore a lives just as water can rejuvenate a desert.  

Laughter Is Healing To The Mind, Body, & Soul

Laughter is incredibly healing.  When we laugh the 53 muscles in the face relax and this relaxation cascades from our face down to the bottoms of our feet.  Laughter resets our emotional set point from stress and fear to relaxation, joy, and hope.  Never underestimate the power of humor. 

When We Demonstrate Courage We Enable Others To Find Their Inner Power

Standing up for ourselves and for what we believe in shows others that they too have the power to speak up for themselves.  Courage is contagious.  Bullies lack courage and can easily be quited when someone stands up to them because fear is all they know.  When we stand up for others who need our help it makes everyone aware that, as a society, we are interdependent and responsible for the welfare of all fellow members of society. 

Create Your Own Opportunities In Life

Life is filled with opportunities for success and happiness.  Rather than waiting and hoping for opportunities to come your way why not create your own opportunities?  Use your inner resources of intelligence, creativity, and tenacity to map out a career and life that will truly make you happy.  The opportunities you can create for yourself are truly endless.

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