Be Your Own Person & Create Your Destiny

When we become our own person we realize that we can use our intelligence and inner strength to create the life we want and deserve.  It takes courage to stand up for ourselves and speak our truth but when we do this we win the respect and admiration of others.  We also shine like a beacon of light and hope in the eyes of those who are timid.  We serve as a testament to the power of courage and self-appreciation.  In addition, we let the unreasonable know that we won’t tolerate injustice or disrespect.  We aren’t afraid of anyone or anything and thus determine our own destiny rather than letting others determine it for us!

When You Can See The Good Qualities In Yourself You’ll Also Be Able To See Them In Others

When  we are able to love and appreciate ourselves we’ll be able to love and appreciate others.  People who only look for the negative in others can only see their own shortcomings. These people can’t encourage others because they don’t feel that their own lives have hope and potential.  When people are provided with love, encouragement, and appreciation they can accomplish the unexpected!  Let’s all become catalysts of positive change!

Negative People Create Their Own Unhappiness

Negative people mistakenly believe that other people are talkimng about them and plotting their demise.  The opposite is actually true.  Negative people filter all words and actions through their own unhealthy self-image.  They can’t accept genuine compliments because they are always suspicious of the motives of others.  Negative people claim that others treat them as inferiors when in reality they think very little of themselves.  Negative people create situations that bring them unhappiness.

Allow The Door That Has Closed To Remain Shut So You Can Focus On The Doors That Are Opening

Allow The Door That Has Closed To Remain Shut So You Can Focus On The Doors That Are Opening.

Don’t Worry About The Negativity Of Other People

Negative people tend to be very unhappy, insecure, and judgmental of others.  These people always filter everything that is happening around them through their own negative self-image.  No one is being unkind to them or speaking ill of them but they foolishly wish to distort reality and misinterpret the intentions of others.  Negative people enjoy being perceived as martyrs and bring only negativity and suffering of their own doing into their lives.  Say a prayer for these unhappy people and move on to people who are loving, kind, and positive!

Allow The Door That Has Closed To Remain Shut So You Can Focus On The Doors That Are Opening

When one door closes don’t look back.  Focus your attention on the doors of opportunity, adventure, and challenge that are welcoming you to come inside.  Embrace change and let go of fear.  Have the courage to explore all of the wonderful things that are waiting for you.  Everything happens for a reason.  Many times we leave people and situations that are not the best for us in order to come into contact with individuals that are unconditionally loving, kind, respectful, and non-judgmental like ourselves. 

Respecting The Choices Of Others Indicates We Honor Our Own Wishes

Allowing others to make choices without using manipulation or coersion to influence their decisions shows that we also respect and uphold our own right to make decisions that honor our truth.

Become The Person You Want To Attract

Most people want someone to come into their lives for a relationship that is unconditionally loving, kind, thoughtful, and giving.  It’s important to understand that we must become a person who loves unconditionally, is thoughtful, treats others with kindness, and who freely gives of ourselves in order to attract that kind of person into our lives. 

Becoming Emotionally Available To Oneself Leads To Fulfilling Relationships

Becoming Emotionally Available To Oneself Leads To Fulfilling Relationships.

How To Confront & Conquer Fear In Order To Improve Self-confidence

Fear isn’t based on present reality and is stored in the subconscious mind.  It’s important to ask ourselves if there is any real evidence to support our fear.  Are we comparing past unfavorable experiences with situations and individuals we’ve not yet encountered?  Fear is the manifestation of not knowing how to let go of the past through forgiveness of self and others.  Set yourself free from the bondage of fear by reflecting on your strengths, speaking your truth, and seizing opportunities to set and reach worthwhile goals.  By facing and overcoming your fears you will realize that you can make enormous progress in personal and community development.  Self-confidence inspires others to believe in themselves. 

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